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STI Recognized for its Commitment to Workplace Safety

By 23 de November de 2017August 8th, 2023Investors

Santiago, November 23, 2017. Chile’s largest port terminal, San Antonio Terminal Internacional (STI), was honored with the National Prevention Award 2017. This accolade is given by the Workplace Safety Institute (Instituto de Seguridad del Trabajo or IST) to highlight individuals and organizations that have demonstrated a strong commitment to protecting lives and ensuring workplace safety.

The CEO of STI, José Iribarren, commented, “We are very proud to receive this recognition, which is the result of years of hard work and commitment from workers, supervisors and management. We all get involved to ensure our statistics are commensurate with a world-class company. This year we have had five months with zero lost-time accidents, which has enabled us to reduce our frequency index by 48% with respect to last year.”

At the award ceremony, STI’s prevention work and efforts to create a culture of self-care were recognized. Just last year, 58% of the company’s training hours were dedicated to prevention topics. This is equivalent to 9,677 hours from January to September 2017.

STI has also implemented additional measures such as strengthening its risk prevention team, training overseas workers on hazardous cargo handling and investing in safety implements and equipment, such as the SAFE Zone System.

Iribarren added, “We don’t gain anything by being the most efficient and most productive company or by moving the most cargo in Chile if one of our workers does not return home in the same conditions as he left. We will keep working hard to continue to be the most efficient, most reliable and, above all, safest port terminal on the west coast of South America.”