All (100%) SAAM companies received the seal for quantification and/or reduction.
Santiago, June 15, 2023. At a ceremony led by the Environment Minister, Maisa Rojas, SAAM’s various operations in the country obtained the Huella Chile certification. The seal honors companies that measure and verify their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). This particular seal corresponds to the 2021 measurement.
SAAM’s Corporate Sustainability and Communications Officer, Cristina Schmidt, commented that “this process confirms our commitment to the environment and sustainable development. We have been progressing little by little at each of our operations. Several years ago we started measuring our carbon footprint and in 2021 we added Aerosan, thus certifying all our operations in Chile and ratifying our commitment to GHG management.”
Iquique Terminal Internacional (ITI), Antofagasta Terminal Internacional (ATI) and San Vicente Terminal Internacional (SVTI) received quantification and reduction seals, while San Antonio Terminal Internacional (STI), Portuaria Corral, Aerosan, SAAM Logistics and SAAM Towage received quantification seals.
Huella Chile is a program from the Environment Ministry that works to promote the calculation, reporting and management of greenhouse gases (GHG) in public and private-sector organizations. It also supports quantification and voluntary management of these emissions by providing tools for calculating the carbon footprint.